My Reiki Story

I’ve lived with chronic anxiety, pelvic pain, and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) for over 20 years and have seen a marked improvement in my symptoms since I started receiving Reiki treatments. Over the years, I’ve tried several prescriptions and pain relievers, as well as therapy and changes to my diet and exercise—all of which have had their benefits—but I’ve seen the most consistent relief in my pain and anxiety, and emotional & thought management, since receiving regular Reiki treatments. For me, Reiki calms my monkey mind and recenters my focus, so that I’m able to show up in life with more energy and be open to any needed perspective shifts.

These benefits are due to the Reiki energy working with your whole self—mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Reiki promotes mindfulness and body awareness and can serve as an energetic reset.

Please note: Reiki is not intended to replace the advice and care of medical professionals or therapists, but rather to work with and enhance any other treatments you may be receiving. Above all, Reiki can do no harm.